Safety First is an attempt to reconstruct the portraits of the emerging

New Man and New Woman based on: the fantasy of independence and autonomy;

the perception of safety as a commodity and the illusion of control over the accidental,

the unpredictable and the inevitable. The work was presented in an international

group show in Berlin. The work is developed as an installation in a gallery's column.

The viewers are confronted with the portraits of the New Man and the New Woman

which are shown in the form of advertisement posters. The viewers are called to position

themselves among, besides or against these new people. Control and autonomy

are offered by Safety First agents in the form of a red dot placed on the viewerÕs

chest following the completion of an application form.

About 40 applications were filled during the time of the exhibition.

Safety First stickers were also stuck around Alexanderplatz.


Safety First